Best Specialty Home Insurance

If you’re struggling to qualify for a typical home insurance policy, you probably need a specialty homeowners insurance policy. However, because this type of insurance is less standardized than regular home insurance, it can be difficult to compare specialty homeowners insurance companies.

Slate Financial’s free specialty homeowners insurance reviews and comparison tools will help you find the best coverage for your circumstances.

Common Questions

See some common questions and answers below
What is specialty homeowners insurance, and how does it work?

Specialty homeowners insurance is designed to fill the gaps that regular homeowners insurance won’t cover.

Do you own a dog breed that is considered dangerous? Have you already made multiple claims on your home insurance policy? Do you have an aging roof or need to make significant repairs to your home? Or do you own valuable artwork or jewelry that would be difficult to replace? Then it’s possible insurance companies may consider you a higher risk and refuse to offer you coverage. In such cases, specialty homeowners insurance can help.

What coverage types should you consider when choosing an insurance company?

It’s unrealistic to write a comprehensive list of covered events because of the very nature of specialty homeowners insurance. Nevertheless, there are broad types of insurance that are useful to understand so you can be sure you’re comparing apples to apples when shopping for insurance policies.

  • Liability – Covers injuries that occur while on the premises, or if the policyholder accidentally injurer someone or damages property while they are away from home.
  • Personal property – The policyholder’s belongings are protected on an actual cash value basis if the home suffers a covered loss. Notice that actual cash value (ACV) takes into account depreciation so the amount you receive probably won’t be enough to replace the covered items. Some insurance companies offer an upgrade to full repair or replacement cost coverage.
  • Other structures – Sheds, detached garages, or fences are protected.
  • Additional living expenses – If you have to move out because of a covered peril, the policy covers the extra living expenses until repairs are complete or a new home is found.
  • Reasonable expenses – Covers the cost for emergency repairs that prevent additional damage, such as covering a roof after a storm.
  • Limited burglary – In cases when there are visible signs of a burglary, such as a broken window or jimmied door, the policy covers the cost of the personal property or permanently attached items such as copper piping or even a heat pump.
  • Seasonal or vacation homes: Typically, insurance companies require you to insure your primary home with them before they insure a vacation or seasonal home. Specialty homeowners insurance can offer coverage options for your seasonal or vacation property regardless of your primary home insurer.
  • Vacant Homes: Empty homes come with special challenges and risks, which is why many insurers won’t cover them with regular home insurance policies.
  • Landlord or Rental Property insurance: Covers the unique risks that come with renting out your home for long periods of time. It typically includes property damage, liability costs, and loss of rental income.
  • Older and lower-value properties: It can be a challenge to find insurance if your home’s market value is lower than what it would cost to rebuild it. Many insurance companies also hesitate to cover older or lower-valued properties.

Determine which coverage types you need and use the same options when you compare specialty homeowners insurance policies.

Which insurance companies offer the best specialty homeowners insurance?

The best specialty homeowners insurance company for you is one that has a solid financial rating, great customer care, and offers the coverage you need at competitive rates. The thing to remember is insurance companies calculate rates based on their estimates of your risk level as a policyholder.

However, each company has its own way of determining risk. The best specialty homeowners insurance policy for you may be a terrible choice for someone else. The only way to know is to apply for coverage with multiple insurance companies.

Which are the cheapest specialty homeowners insurance companies?

Specialty homeowners insurance rates vary considerably based on the coverage limit you request, the size of your deductible, and the insurance discounts you qualify for. For example, specialty homeowners insurance policies may range from $1,200 to $2,700 depending on whether you choose a $250K or a $750K coverage amount.

You can also qualify for discounts if you bundle other insurance products or you invest in safety measures. For example, some insurance companies will offer discounts for having a smoke alarm, a central alarm system, or installing a deadbolt.

Of course, price is only one of the factors you should consider when finding the best option for you. Financial stability and customer satisfaction are just as important.